visitors passes 2

Visitor Management by Kalamazoo

We provide both paper-based and electronic visitor pass systems. Our security printed documents, accessories and stationery make visitor management simple and trackable.

Secure Document Coverage

Visitor Management Documents

Visitor Pass Books, Visitor Passes

Visitor Management Accessories

Lanyards, Plastic Wallets, Plastic Card Holder, Badge Holder, Ledgers, ID Card Wallets, Retractable Reels, Badge Clips, Z Binders

Visitor Management System

Visitornet Pass System

Making a book of visitor passes

How do we get to the final product?

Step One:

Design & consultancy

From the start of the process, our team gives expert advice on document design and composition with expertise on the appropriate security features, depending on your requirements.

design stage

Step Two:

Base passes produced

Once the design and level of security are agreed, the base documents are produced at our security accredited production facility in Redditch, England.

Step Three:

Branding and security features applied

Booklets are branded with your assets and made secure with overt, covert or attached security features such as numbering, using enhanced security and ISO27001 compliant data handling.

visitor passes
packaged labelled

Step Four:

Packaging and labelling

The documents are packed to specification including district and centre, for secure onward in-country distribution.

Step Five:

Pass books delivered

The finished books are delivered to your required destination via secure courier.

visitors passes 2

Making a book of visitor passes

How do we get to the final product?

design stage

Step One:

Design & consultancy

From the start of the process, our team gives expert advice on document design and composition with expertise on the appropriate security features, depending on your requirements.


Step Two:

Base passes produced

Once the design and level of security are agreed, the base documents are produced at our security accredited production facility in Redditch, England.

visitor passes

Step Three:

Branding and security features applied

Booklets are branded with your assets and made secure with overt, covert or attached security features such as numbering, using enhanced security and ISO27001 compliant data handling.

packaged labelled

Step Four:

Packaging and labelling

The documents are packed to specification including district and centre, for secure onward in-country distribution.

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Step Five:

Pass books delivered

The finished books are delivered to your required destination via secure courier.

Get in touch and see how we can help you today!

Our Experience

We provide security printed visitor management documents, accessories and electronic systems to any organisation protecting their premises.



A major luxury fashion brand

We have provided 45,000 visitor passes and 2,000 pass wallets and lanyards, as well as implementing our electronic visitor management system.



A British low-cost leisure airline

We have provided 5,000 high-security binders for technical aircraft logs.



A public health authority

We supplied 50,000 vehicle and visitor passes with 5,000 wallets and clips.

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